Comments on: Munich Train Station Attack: Jihad Has No Borders Home of Stephen Knight and The #GSPodcast Tue, 18 Sep 2018 18:01:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: Rose Tue, 10 May 2016 11:47:38 +0000 Our ABC – National Australian Broadcaster and I notice BBC are still promoting the line that extremism has something to do with lack of jobs, boredom, alienation, low socio economic status of Muslims esp young men, – first they are saying those Muslims living in the West now they say also throughout the Middle East too are doing it because they are the underprivileged class -blah blah – nothing to do with religion. The danger to the West comes from cultural rot – Islam is much more resistant to change and willing to relentlessly push its agenda regardless of when Muslims are in a society with a different majority culture. I think most Muslims think this way because the religion just is SOO conservative. Their reflexive position is that everything is the fault of the West and capitalism and too much of the left just love that. The left even defend bully victim behaviour of too many Muslims that you see over and over again.
Where Islam is recognised (rarely) by the left as the basis of this trouble the solution is a gentle understanding chat – and what if they aren’t willing to listen.? Most Muslims unfortunately have very conservative values that just aren’t compatible with democratic liberalism and expect the west to accommodate their lifestyle in full – rather than making compromises in their incredibly prescriptive religion maintained by innumerable personal contacts within the muslim umma. I don’t think ordinary leftists or even well meaning polite folk are capable of understanding just how tribal and brainwashing and all embracing it is as a faith. People start praying every day at 4.30 and in Islamic countries the prayer is on loudspeakers Everywhere top volume for up to an hour. Its not easy to break intensive brainwashing maintained within a tribal mode of operating but you have to vigorously argue with it every time and not back down, whilst being fair minded and offering opportunities the rest of society gets to those who are permanent residents. We need to impress on them they have exceptional opportunities in the West, including economic opportunities and religious freedom, like any freedom is simply not absolute, moreover they must respect the dominance of the majority culture – which is secular. We need to confront the conservatives head on about the secular bit here too – often the left likes aspects of religion so long as they can use it to promote a communist-authoritarian like version of the common good, and so they will side with religion when it suits. Certainly this is the case in Australia in programs like The Religion and Ethics Portal on ABC online, the Moral Minefield and Religion Report programs on ABC National and many discussions on various programs that have a deep hostility to Dawkins, Sam Harris, atheist Muslims and anything they can label “scientism”. The Multicultural television and radio corporation SBS, is similar. Its a tragedy because the alternative private media is mostly highly conservative. The whole Islamic religion is about maintaining tribal kin based and inherited authority based relations above contractual and merit based ones. Most Muslims are more tribal and that is how they have won in history over time and we keep calling pushing back against this “racism”

We need to make sure there are not segregated schools but also not put up with visiting extremist mullahs – identify them and ban them and deport them instantly if they set foot in West. Likewise identify extremist mullahs in West and ban them visiting abroad. On the ABC the programs are busy arguing the killing of the Bangladeshi bloggers was not really to do with Islam per se – it was them darned Saudis (backed by the West of course), and that none of the bloggers were really atheist. Pathetic. The Universities and the media are the hubs of this over generations now and it has pervaded many professions of people educated in the POMO/Crit theory reflexive assumption that the West carries the stigma of Original Oppressor Sin that No Other Culture or Peoples have ever Comparably been Capable Of and we must Atone even if it means The Destruction of our Wretched Body Politic and Cultural Fibre. Meanwhile those criticising Islam in Islamic countries are being butchered in ever greater numbers and the Left’s response is a just so story, the right’s response is blame Muslims … but not point out that the trouble in Islamic countries is by far MOSTLY to do with the rigidity, authoritarianism and Sectarianism of their religion.
