Comments on: Jalal Uddin: Rochdale Imam Murder Update Home of Stephen Knight and The #GSPodcast Mon, 02 Mar 2020 17:35:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: aljones909 Sun, 28 Aug 2016 23:35:41 +0000 There’s a constant flow of reports about a rise in “islamophobia”. But no one has been killed or seriously assaulted as a result of this islamophobia (please correct me if I’m wrong. On the other hand we have 3 muslim on muslim killings, and, according to the Daily Mail (needs to be verified), 12 instances of honour killing in the muslim community. In one of these killings “Strict Kurdish Muslim Abdalla Yones cut the throat of his 16-year-old daughter Heshu because he believed she had become too westernised” (see story below). So let’s get it right – the problem is islamophobia.

By: Rolo Tamasi (@Rolo_Tamasi) Fri, 26 Aug 2016 06:57:39 +0000 The single common denominator is the criterion chosen for selection.

By: Peter Stanley Wed, 24 Aug 2016 23:18:35 +0000 It won’t be ‘explained away’ it will be ignored, buried & filed under ‘never happened’ by the MSM. Just like the clearly Islamic fueled ‘lone wolf’ attacks all over the world which have now morphed into cases of ‘mental illness’ or just plain old-fashioned murder. It’s almost as if the Authorities throughout the Western world have collaborated to develop a ‘party line’ (at G20 meetings?) so that we, the simple public, don’t latch onto the fact that there is a single common denominator behind all these attacks. Some innocent victims are clearly worth the sacrifice just as long as we don’t experience mass civil unrest.

By: Richard Sanderson (@RichSandersen) Wed, 24 Aug 2016 20:51:13 +0000 Wasn’t this the incident that “Johnny Spooner”, or one of Werleman’s fleas, immediately blamed on “new atheists” or similar? These “tragedy vultures” are always waiting to pounce on the latest shooting or bombing to further their narrative.
