Ep#101 – Dr. Melanie Joy – Carnism

This week on The #GSPodcast Stephen Knight (@Gspellchecker) talks to Dr. Melanie Joy about ‘Carnism’. We cover the environmental and psychological impact of animal slaughter, the vegan movement, synthetic meat, myths about nutrition and much, much more!

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  • Pingback: Thoughts about Veganism | Second Thoughts for the Day

  • While I can agree with Dr. Joy that in probably less than 50 years, people will look back on the meat industry with the same or more disgust than is currently afforded historical atrocities like the Holocaust and slavery, I’m not entirely convinced that this will be an unalloyed good thing. Chickens, according to Yuval Noah Harari’s excellent book “Sapiens” number about 15 billion individuals. Once everyone is off meat, the species currently being maintained as human food will be extinct. I think the difficult question we need to ponder is whether a life of some human caused misery (and obviously, we can and should organize the meat industry to minimize animal misery) is better or worse than complete extinction. Meanwhile, in order to support over 10 billion humans on the planet, we obviously need to shift our calorie sources toward more efficient ways of creating the feedstocks we need to keep ourselves healthy. Moving to a plant based diet certainly answers that requirement. Including insects on the menu would, IMHO, also help.

  • I have heard some nonsense in my time but this takes the biscuit

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