

The below is a list of frequently asked questions I receive in direct relation to my Twitter activity, or myself personally, rather than those of a theological nature.<\/p>\n

I intend to expand on this page as time passes. If you have a question that isn’t answered below, please visit my contact page<\/a> to let me know.<\/p>\n

1. Who are you and what do you do?<\/strong><\/p>\n

\u00a0<\/strong>I run the Twitter account @GSpellchecker<\/a>, which I dedicate to seeking out misspellings of the words atheist\/atheism.\u00a0 These are often accompanied with breathtaking ignorance of the most startling frequency.<\/p>\n

I’m then kind enough to provide the correct spelling, and supply some feedback on the initial accompanying statement.<\/p>\n

Reaction to this activity\/service\u00a0(free!) varies from amusement to violent rage.<\/p>\n

2. What is an atheist?<\/strong><\/p>\n

In the broadest sense, an atheist is someone who does not believe in God(s).<\/p>\n

3 .Why are you an atheist?<\/strong><\/p>\n

Because I’ve thought about it.\u00a0 Also because I have never heard a convincing argument for the existence of any God(s) or been presented with any credible evidence for God(s) let alone one that has any interest in human affairs.<\/p>\n

4. \u00a0Are you a he or a she?

I’m a he.<\/p>\n

5 .Where do you live?<\/strong><\/p>\n

I’m omnipresent.<\/p>\n

6. Why do you seek out people on Twitter to \u201cattack\u201d, isn\u2019t this pushing your \u201cbeliefs?\u201d<\/strong><\/p>\n

Twitter is a globally connected public forum.\u00a0 Tweets are made with the sole intention of inviting response and fostering interaction. It is not comparable to going door to door, or interfering with ones personal thoughts if it’s put forward to anyone who has an internet connection.<\/p>\n

I always make it my aim to avoid any abusive language, or uncivil behaviour.\u00a0 The strongest I think I can be accused of is ridicule and sarcasm.\u00a0 I’m perfectly ok with this.<\/p>\n

7. Some of your “followers” are rude. Isn’t this your responsibility?<\/strong><\/p>\n

No. I am responsible for my words<\/strong>, and my words only<\/strong>. This is why I try to choose them wisely. Suggesting I am responsible for the unreasonable behaviour of others is in itself unreasonable.<\/p>\n

I do not encourage, call for or endorse any abusive behaviour from my followers. I will never retweet any abuse supporting my viewpoint, or call for others to engage with people I converse with in an uncivil manner.<\/p>\n

I always engage in a civil manner partly in the hope of setting an example of reasonable discussion to others.<\/p>\n

I do not tolerate unreasonable behaviour, and I \u00a0have on occasion blocked people that are following me for what I deem to be unreasonable behaviour, i.e racism, threats, abuse.<\/p>\n

I accept the fact that my tweets draw attention to other Twitter accounts and their Tweets\/opinions. I am perfectly comfortable with this. A tweet exists solely for the purpose of inviting response\/being shared. This appears to be the entire point of Twitter. If a person wishes for their opinions to go unnoticed, then perhaps a globally available public forum is not the best place for them. Privatising tweets is also an option.<\/p>\n

8 .Why are you trying to make everyone become an atheist?<\/strong><\/p>\n

I have no intention or desire to change anyones beliefs, nor do I think I ever have managed to or will.\u00a0 I will never tell a person they should change their beliefs, or tell them they have no right to the beliefs they hold.\u00a0 Being an opposing opinion to religiously motivated nonsense is worth my time for its own sake.\u00a0 Time spent opposing ignorance, is never time wasted.<\/p>\n

9.What is your aim then?<\/strong><\/p>\n

I don’t have a goal in any true sense.\u00a0 The account was created for the purposes of amusing myself.<\/p>\n

I consider it a worthwhile endeavour for the following reasons:<\/p>\n