Comments on: Disturbing New Claims About The Bataclan Massacre Emerge Home of Stephen Knight and The #GSPodcast Fri, 22 Jul 2016 12:35:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: Peter Stanley Fri, 22 Jul 2016 12:35:08 +0000 I understand that a Parent of one of the male victims was one of the first to raise this torture theory having seen his Son in the morgue. This may well have been ‘debunked’ too but that is what I read a few days ago. Frankly it could be viewed as a moot point. If these barbarians didn’t actually commit torture does that make them slightly more plausible in their actions to some people? I really don’t buy this argument at all. They brutally murdered a large number of innocent men & women (some of which have been confirmed to be in wheelchairs so had no chance of escape). On the scale of sadistic & cruel actions I’d say what we already know puts them at the pinnacle.

By: Stephen Knight Wed, 20 Jul 2016 05:32:39 +0000 In reply to Ambrosio Bembo.

Just because it’s happened before doesn’t mean it’s happened this time. A quick glance of my blog, or listen of my podcast would make abundantly clear to you that I’m far from failing to face up to the grim realty of Islam. Seems an even stranger accusation considering I discuss examples of such a reality (Munich) in the very article you’ve taken issue with.

You give the impression of someone who didn’t bother to read beyond the first sentence before heading to the comments section.

It’s not naive to follow the evidence, and right now, the evidence isn’t strong. People died. This is too important of a topic to be so careless the way you appear to be.

‘knee-jerk’ scepticism? I’m not sure what to do with that one….

Furthermore, I’m always mildly amused by faceless, anonymous accounts on the internet that tell others they’re failing to adequately oppose or ‘face’ up to the reality of Islam.

By: Ambrosio Bembo Tue, 19 Jul 2016 21:45:23 +0000 “This one is to be filed firmly under ‘unconfirmed ” ?

Why the need to be so knee-jerkingly skeptical of a report of actions that are boilerplate standard for jihadists the world over, for 1,350+ years?

Mutilation and torture are recommended quite heartily in the Qur’an, and recommended and practiced with great enthusiasm by the Prophet Muhammad and His Companions, as depicted in the Hadith and the Sira.

This behavior has been reported and documented repeatedly, both throughout history and in recent times. It is firmly documented in historical record by chroniclers, Muslim and non-Muslim alike. See, for example Paul Fregosi’s book “Jihad”, or perhaps Andrew Bostom’s book “Legacy of Jihad: Islamic Holy War and the Fate of Non-Muslims”

Torture and mutilation were carried out by the jihadists that carried out the Beslan School massacre in Russia. Much the same was seen regularly in Iraq during the recent US intervention.

The Nairobi mall massacre in 2013 featured similar sadistic behavior. See, for example, this report

Reports of this kind are not to be filled ” firmly under ‘unconfirmed’ “, but rather greeted with a grim and unflinching recognition of their Islamic ordinariness and commonplace.

Anything else is just being naive, or failing to face up to read grim reality of Islam.

By: pilky Tue, 19 Jul 2016 11:27:30 +0000 It’s time our governments investigate Islam, not Islamic terror.
The world (especially Muslims) need to know the story of Muhammad.
What he did. What was his message.
We need to investigate how Islam has invaded and dominated other societies, acknowledge it, and ask ourselves if we want to accept the same fate.

Then we can begin to tackle the problem.

In my opinion, we should make our societies as unattractive as possible for fundamentalists to live in.
Get rid of ritual slaughter, religious courts/councils, faith schools, etc.
Get tough on intolerance.
Get rid of regressive and political correctness from media, schools and all other establishments.
Re-position our moral compass, and fight for what’s right and fair.

Let’s deal with it while we’re still able, on our terms, fearless of the backlash, because the alternative is to do nothing, which will be the death of our way of life.

We’re being dragged back into the 7th century, and only a few of us are kicking and screaming.
